mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 22:41:15 +01:00
- fix bug where a host name like AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD.in-addr.arpa.DOMAIN.TLS was taken as an ipv4 address
- freebsd 9 supports now also colors with setaf, Darwin? - correct indentation of help - improved parsing in command line so that where a distinct option is required it is also tested in the 1st place - removed -q in help (deprecated as we might want to use it for other things in the future) - fix: if $PWD/openssl was a dir it bailed out - cleanup of fatal errors ==> provide ONE function
This commit is contained in:
@ -299,6 +299,8 @@ pr_reverse() { [[ "$COLOR" -ne 0 ]] && out "\033[7m$1" || out "$1"; pr_off;
### colorswitcher (see e.g. https://linuxtidbits.wordpress.com/2008/08/11/output-color-on-bash-scripts/
### http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/x405.html
set_color_functions() {
local linux_tput=true
# empty vars if we have no color:
@ -312,21 +314,40 @@ set_color_functions() {
tput sgr0 || linux_tput=false
if [[ "$COLOR" -eq 2 ]]; then
red=$(tput setaf 1)
green=$(tput setaf 2)
brown=$(tput setaf 3)
blue=$(tput setaf 4)
magenta=$(tput setaf 5)
cyan=$(tput setaf 6)
grey=$(tput setaf 7)
yellow=$(tput setaf 3; tput bold)
if $linux_tput; then
red=$(tput setaf 1)
green=$(tput setaf 2)
brown=$(tput setaf 3)
blue=$(tput setaf 4)
magenta=$(tput setaf 5)
cyan=$(tput setaf 6)
grey=$(tput setaf 7)
yellow=$(tput setaf 3; tput bold)
else # this is a try for old BSD, see terminfo(5)
red=$(tput AF 1)
green=$(tput AF 2)
brown=$(tput AF 3)
blue=$(tput AF 4)
magenta=$(tput AF 5)
cyan=$(tput AF 6)
grey=$(tput AF 7)
yellow=$(tput AF 3; tput md)
if [[ "$COLOR" -ge 1 ]]; then
bold=$(tput bold)
underline=$(tput sgr 0 1)
off=$(tput sgr0)
if $linux_tput; then
bold=$(tput bold)
underline=$(tput sgr 0 1)
off=$(tput sgr0)
else # this is a try for old BSD, see terminfo(5)
bold=$(tput md)
underline=$(tput us)
reverse=$(tput mr)
off=$(tput me)
@ -570,7 +591,7 @@ run_http_date() {
detect_ipv4() {
local octet="(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])"
local ipv4address="$octet\\.$octet\\.$octet\\.$octet"
local your_ip_msg=" (check if it's yours or e.g. a cluster IP)"
local your_ip_msg="(check if it's your IP address or e.g. a cluster IP)"
local result
local first=true
local spaces=" "
@ -594,7 +615,7 @@ detect_ipv4() {
pr_litered "$result"
outln "$your_ip_msg"
outln "\n$spaces$your_ip_msg"
@ -1652,6 +1673,25 @@ get_host_cert() {
return $?
get_all_certs() {
local savedir
local nrsaved
local ret
$OPENSSL s_client -showcerts $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI 2>/dev/null </dev/null >$TEMPDIR/allcerts.txt
savedir=$(pwd); cd $TEMPDIR
# http://backreference.org/2010/05/09/ocsp-verification-with-openssl/
awk -v n=-1 '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/{ inc=1; n++ }
inc { print > ("level" n ".crt") }
/---END CERTIFICATE-----/{ inc=0 }' $TEMPDIR/allcerts.txt
nrsaved=$(count_words "$(echo level?.crt 2>/dev/null)")
cd "$savedir"
echo $nrsaved
return $ret
tls_time() {
local now difftime
@ -1682,7 +1722,7 @@ run_server_defaults() {
local gost_status_problem=false
local extensions
local sessticket_str lifetime unit keysize sig_algo key_algo
local expire secs2warn ocsp_uri crl savedir startdate enddate issuer_c issuer_o issuer sans san cn cn_nosni
local expire secs2warn ocsp_uri crl startdate enddate issuer_c issuer_o issuer sans san cn cn_nosni
local policy_oid
local spaces=" "
@ -1785,7 +1825,7 @@ run_server_defaults() {
cn_nosni="no CN field in subject"
debugme out "\'$NODE\' | \'$cn\' | \'$cn_nosni\'"
debugme out "\"$NODE\" | \"$cn\" | \"$cn_nosni\""
if [[ $NODE == $cn_nosni ]]; then
if [[ $SERVICE != "HTTP" ]]; then
outln " (matches certificate directly)"
@ -1885,15 +1925,8 @@ run_server_defaults() {
outln " ($startdate --> $enddate)"
$OPENSSL s_client -showcerts $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI 2>/dev/null </dev/null >$TEMPDIR/allcerts.txt
savedir=$(pwd); cd $TEMPDIR
# http://backreference.org/2010/05/09/ocsp-verification-with-openssl/
awk -v n=-1 '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/{ inc=1; n++ }
inc { print > ("level" n ".crt") }
/---END CERTIFICATE-----/{ inc=0 }' $TEMPDIR/allcerts.txt
nrsaved=$(count_words "$(echo level?.crt 2>/dev/null)")
cd "$savedir"
pr_bold " # of certificates provided"; outln " $nrsaved"
pr_bold " # of certificates provided"; outln " $(get_all_certs)"
pr_bold " Certificate Revocation List "
crl="$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -text | grep -A 4 "CRL Distribution" | grep URI | sed 's/^.*URI://')"
@ -2152,7 +2185,7 @@ fd_socket() {
elif ! exec 5<>/dev/tcp/$NODEIP/$PORT; then # 2>/dev/null would remove an error message, but disables debugging
pr_magentaln "Unable to open a socket to $NODEIP:$PORT. "
pr_magenta "Unable to open a socket to $NODEIP:$PORT. "
# It can last ~2 minutes but for for those rare occasions we don't do a timeout handler here, KISS
return 6
@ -2184,7 +2217,7 @@ fd_socket() {
starttls_line "a002 STARTTLS" "OK"
ldap) # LDAP, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2830, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4511
pr_magentaln "FIXME: LDAP/STARTTLS not yet supported"
pr_magentaln "FIXME: LDAP+STARTTLS over sockets not yet supported (try \"--ssl-native\")"
exit -4
acap) # ACAP = Application Configuration Access Protocol, see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2595
@ -3444,9 +3477,8 @@ run_tls_truncation() {
old_fart() {
pr_magentaln "Your $OPENSSL $OSSL_VER version is an old fart... . It doesn\'t make much sense to proceed."
outln "Get precompiled bins or compile https://github.com/PeterMosmans/openssl ."
exit -2
fatal "Your $OPENSSL $OSSL_VER version is an old fart... . It doesn\'t make much sense to proceed." -2
# try very hard to determine th install path to get ahold of the mapping file
@ -3484,14 +3516,13 @@ test_openssl_suffix() {
local uname_arch=$(uname -m)
[[ $uname_arch =~ "64" ]] && myarch_suffix=64 || myarch_suffix=32
if [[ -n "$1/openssl" ]] && [[ -x "$1/openssl" ]]; then
if [[ -f "$1/openssl" ]] && [[ -x "$1/openssl" ]]; then
return 0
elif [[ -n "$1/openssl.$naming_ext" ]] && [[ -x "$1/openssl.$naming_ext" ]]; then
elif [[ -f "$1/openssl.$naming_ext" ]] && [[ -x "$1/openssl.$naming_ext" ]]; then
return 0
elif [[ -n "$1/openssl.$uname_arch" ]] && [[ -x "$1/openssl.$uname_arch" ]]; then
elif [[ -f "$1/openssl.$uname_arch" ]] && [[ -x "$1/openssl.$uname_arch" ]]; then
return 0
@ -3506,7 +3537,7 @@ find_openssl_binary() {
[[ $uname_arch =~ "64" ]] && myarch_suffix=64 || myarch_suffix=32
# 0. check environment variable whether it's executable
if [[ -n "$OPENSSL" ]] && [[ ! -x "$OPENSSL" ]]; then
pr_red "\ncannot find specified (\$OPENSSL=$OPENSSL) binary."
pr_litemagentaln "\ncannot find specified (\$OPENSSL=$OPENSSL) binary."
outln " Looking some place else ..."
elif [[ -x "$OPENSSL" ]]; then
: # 1. all ok supplied $OPENSSL is excutable
@ -3516,9 +3547,9 @@ find_openssl_binary() {
: # 3. otherwise here, this is supposed to be the standard --platform independed path in the future!!!
elif [[ -x "$RUN_DIR/openssl-bins/openssl-1.0.2-chacha.pm/openssl"$myarch_suffix"-1.0.2pm-krb5" ]]; then
# 4. legacy dirs follow, first kerberos binaries from pm (if executable)
# 4. legacy dirs follow, first kerberos binaries from pm (if executable) ^^^^ deprecated!
elif [[ -x "$RUN_DIR/openssl-bins/openssl-1.0.2-chacha.pm/openssl"$myarch_suffix"-1.0.2pm-static" ]]; then
# 5. otherwise default is trying the statically linked ones
# 5. otherwise default is trying the statically linked ones ^^^^ deprecated!
elif test_openssl_suffix $(dirname $(which openssl)); then
: # 5. we tried hard and failed, so now we use the system binaries
@ -3526,9 +3557,7 @@ find_openssl_binary() {
$OPENSSL version -a 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ ! -x "$OPENSSL" ]; then
pr_magentaln "FATAL: cannot exec or find any openssl binary "
exit -1
fatal "cannot exec or find any openssl binary" -1
# http://www.openssl.org/news/openssl-notes.html
@ -3634,23 +3663,23 @@ $PROG_NAME <options> URI ("$PROG_NAME URI" does everything except -E)
partly mandatory parameters:
URI host|host:port|URL|URL:port (port 443 is assumed unless otherwise specified)
pattern an ignore case word pattern of cipher hexcode or any other string in the name, kx or bits
protocol is one of ftp,smtp,pop3,imap,xmpp,telnet,ldap (for the latter two you need e.g. the supplied openssl)
URI host|host:port|URL|URL:port (port 443 is assumed unless otherwise specified)
pattern an ignore case word pattern of cipher hexcode or any other string in the name, kx or bits
protocol is one of ftp,smtp,pop3,imap,xmpp,telnet,ldap (for the latter two you need e.g. the supplied openssl)
tuning options:
--assuming-http if protocol check fails it assumes HTTP protocol and enforces HTTP checks
--ssl-native <true|false> fallback to checks with OpenSSL where sockets are normally used
--openssl <PATH> use this openssl binary (default: look in \$PATH, \$RUN_DIR of $PROG_NAME
--proxy <host>:<port> connect via the specified HTTP proxy
--sneaky be less verbose wrt referer headers
-q. --quiet don't out put the banner. By doing this you acknowledge usage terms normally appearing in the banner
--wide wide output for tests like RC4, BEAST. PFS also with hexcode, kx, strength, RFC name
--show-each for wide outputs: display all ciphers tested -- not only succeeded ones
--warnings <batch|off|false> "batch" doesn't wait for keypress, "off" or "false" skips connection warning
--color <0|1|2> 0: no escape or other codes, 1: b/w escape codes, 2: color (default)
--debug <0-6> 1: screen output normal but debug output in temp files. 2-6: see line ~105
--assuming-http if protocol check fails it assumes HTTP protocol and enforces HTTP checks
--ssl-native <true|false> fallback to checks with OpenSSL where sockets are normally used
--openssl <PATH> use this openssl binary (default: look in \$PATH, \$RUN_DIR of $PROG_NAME
--proxy <host>:<port> connect via the specified HTTP proxy
--sneaky be less verbose wrt referer headers
--quiet don't output the banner. By doing this you acknowledge usage terms normally appearing in the banner
--wide wide output for tests like RC4, BEAST. PFS also with hexcode, kx, strength, RFC name
--show-each for wide outputs: display all ciphers tested -- not only succeeded ones
--warnings <batch|off|false> "batch" doesn't wait for keypress, "off" or "false" skips connection warning
--color <0|1|2> 0: no escape or other codes, 1: b/w escape codes, 2: color (default)
--debug <0-6> 1: screen output normal but debug output in temp files. 2-6: see line ~105
All options requiring a value can also be called with '=' (e.g. testssl.sh -t=smtp --wide --openssl=/usr/bin/openssl <URI>.
<URI> is always the last parameter.
@ -3893,6 +3922,8 @@ is_ipv4addr() {
local ipv4address="$octet\\.$octet\\.$octet\\.$octet"
[[ -z "$1" ]] && return 1
# more than numbers, important for hosts like AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD.in-addr.arpa.DOMAIN.TLS
[[ -n $(tr -d '[0-9\.]' <<< "$1") ]] && return 1
echo -n "$1" | grep -Eq $ipv4address && \
return 0 || \
@ -3901,7 +3932,6 @@ is_ipv4addr() {
# a bit easier
is_ipv6addr() {
[[ -z "$1" ]] && return 1
# less than 2x ":"
[[ $(count_lines "$(echo -n "$1" | tr ':' '\n')") -le 1 ]] && \
@ -4025,7 +4055,7 @@ determine_ip_addresses() {
SNI="" # override Server Name Indication as we test the IP only
ip4=$(get_local_a $NODE) # is there a local host entry?
if [ -z $ip4 ]; then # empty: no (LOCAL_A is predefined as false)
if [[ -z $ip4 ]]; then # empty: no (LOCAL_A is predefined as false)
ip4=$(get_a_record $NODE)
LOCAL_A=true # we have the ip4 from local host entry and need to set this
@ -4041,9 +4071,7 @@ determine_ip_addresses() {
IPADDRs=$(newline_to_spaces "$ip4")
if [[ -z "$IPADDRs" ]] && [[ -z "$CMDLINE_IP" ]] ; then
pr_magenta "Can't proceed: No IPv4 address for \"$NODE\" available"
outln "\n"
exit -1
fatal "No IPv4 address for \"$NODE\" available" -1
[[ -z "$ip6" ]] && IP46ADDRs="$IPADDRs" || IP46ADDRs="$ip4 $ip6"
IP46ADDRs=$(newline_to_spaces "$IP46ADDRs")
@ -4086,6 +4114,11 @@ get_mx_record() {
echo "$mxs"
fatal() {
pr_magentaln "Fatal error: $1"
exit $2
# We need to get the IP address of the proxy so we can use it in fd_socket
@ -4094,8 +4127,7 @@ check_proxy(){
if [[ -n "$PROXY" ]]; then
if ! $OPENSSL s_client help 2>&1 | grep -qw proxy; then
pr_magentaln "Local problem: Your $OPENSSL is too old to support the \"--proxy\" option"
exit -1
fatal "Your $OPENSSL is too old to support the \"--proxy\" option" -1
@ -4105,10 +4137,7 @@ check_proxy(){
# no RFC 1918:
#if ! is_ipv4addr $PROXYIP ; then
if [[ -z "$PROXYIP" ]]; then
pr_magentaln "Fatal error: Proxy IP cannot be determined from \"$PROXYNODE\""
exit -3
[[ -z "$PROXYIP" ]] && fatal "Proxy IP cannot be determined from \"$PROXYNODE\"" "-3"
@ -4121,9 +4150,7 @@ determine_service() {
local protocol
if ! fd_socket; then # check if we can connect to $NODEIP:$PORT
pr_magentaln "Fatal error: can't connect to $NODEIP:$PORT"
outln "\nMake sure a firewall is not between you and your scanning target"
exit -2
fatal "can't connect to \"$NODEIP:$PORT\"\nMake sure a firewall is not between you and your scanning target!" -2
@ -4163,9 +4190,7 @@ determine_service() {
if [[ -n "$XMPP_HOST" ]] ; then
if ! $OPENSSL s_client --help 2>&1 | grep -q xmpphost; then
pr_magentaln " Local problem: Your $OPENSSL does not support the \"-xmpphost\" option"
exit -3
fatal "Your $OPENSSL does not support the \"-xmpphost\" option" -3
STARTTLS="$STARTTLS -xmpphost $XMPP_HOST" # it's a hack -- instead of changing calls all over the place
# see http://xmpp.org/rfcs/rfc3920.html
@ -4409,6 +4434,12 @@ parse_cmd_line() {
STARTTLS_PROTOCOL=$(parse_opt_equal_sign "$1" "$2")
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && shift
ftp|smtp|pop3|imap|xmpp|telnet|ldap) ;;
ftps|smtps|pop3s|imaps|xmpps|telnets|ldaps) ;;
*) pr_magentaln "\nunrecognized STARTTLS protocol \"$1\", see help" 1>&2
help 1 ;;
XMPP_HOST=$(parse_opt_equal_sign "$1" "$2")
@ -4538,7 +4569,8 @@ parse_cmd_line() {
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && shift
case "$WARNING" in
batch|off|false) ;;
default) pr_magentaln "warnings can be either \"batch\", \"off\" or \"false\"" ;;
*) pr_magentaln "\nwarnings can be either \"batch\", \"off\" or \"false\""
help 1;;
@ -4547,15 +4579,21 @@ parse_cmd_line() {
DEBUG=$(parse_opt_equal_sign "$1" "$2")
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && shift
case $DEBUG in
[0-6]) ;;
*) pr_magentaln "\nunrecognized debug value \"$1\", must be between 0..6" 1>&2
help 1 ;;
COLOR=$(parse_opt_equal_sign "$1" "$2")
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && shift
if [ $COLOR -ne 0 ] && [ $COLOR -ne 1 ] && [ $COLOR -ne 2 ] ; then
pr_magentaln "$0: unrecognized color: $2" 1>&2
help 1
case $COLOR in
[0-2]) ;;
*) COLOR=2
pr_magentaln "\nunrecognized color: \"$1\", must be between 0..2" 1>&2
help 1 ;;
OPENSSL=$(parse_opt_equal_sign "$1" "$2")
@ -4571,7 +4609,7 @@ parse_cmd_line() {
(--) shift
(-*) pr_magentaln "$0: unrecognized option $1" 1>&2;
(-*) pr_magentaln "\n$0: unrecognized option \"$1\"" 1>&2;
help 1
(*) break
@ -4581,10 +4619,10 @@ parse_cmd_line() {
# Show usage if no options were specified
[ -z $1 ] && help 0
[[ -z "$1" ]] && help 0
# left off here is the URI
[ "$DEBUG" -ge 4 ] && debug_globals
# if we have no "do_*" set here --> query_globals: we do a standard run -- otherwise just the one specified
@ -4595,7 +4633,7 @@ parse_cmd_line() {
lets_roll() {
local ret
[ -z "$NODEIP" ] && pr_magentaln "$NODE doesn't resolve to an IP address" && exit -1
[ -z "$NODEIP" ] && fatal "$NODE doesn't resolve to an IP address" -1
determine_service "$1" # any starttls service goes here
@ -4671,8 +4709,7 @@ ip=""
if $do_read_from_file; then
if [[ ! -r "$FNAME" ]] && $IKNOW_FNAME; then
pr_magentaln "Fatal error: Can't read \"$FNAME\""
exit -1
fatal "Can't read file \"$FNAME\"" "-1"
pr_reverse "====== Running in file batch mode with file=\"$FNAME\" ======"; outln "\n"
cat "$FNAME" | while read cmdline; do
@ -4694,8 +4731,8 @@ if $do_mx_all_ips; then
parse_hn_port "${URI}" # NODE, URL_PATH, PORT, IPADDR and IP46ADDR is set now
if ! determine_ip_addresses && [[ -z $CMDLINE_IP ]]; then
pr_magentaln "fatal error: No IP address could be determined"
if ! determine_ip_addresses && [[ -z "$CMDLINE_IP" ]]; then
fatal "No IP address could be determined"
if [[ -n "$CMDLINE_IP" ]]; then
[[ "$CMDLINE_IP" == "one" ]] && \
@ -4727,4 +4764,4 @@ fi
exit $ret
# $Id: testssl.sh,v 1.353 2015/08/23 19:16:33 dirkw Exp $
# $Id: testssl.sh,v 1.357 2015/08/24 12:09:44 dirkw Exp $
Reference in New Issue
Block a user