This commit adds a check for whether the server supports certificate compression (RFC 8879). If it does, then the list of supprted compression methods is output in the server's preference order.
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Full contribution, see git log.
Dirk Wetter (creator, maintainer and main contributor)
- Everything what's not mentioned below and is included in's git log minus what I probably forgot to mention (too much other things to do at the moment and to list it would be a tough job)
David Cooper (main contributor)
- Major extensions to socket support for all protocols
- extended parsing of TLS ServerHello messages
- TLS 1.3 support (final and pre-final)
- add several TLS extensions
- Detection + output of multiple certificates
- several cleanups of server certificate related stuff
- -e/-E: testing with a mixture of openssl + sockets
- add more ciphers
- coloring of ciphers
- extensive CN+SAN <--> hostname check
- separate check for curves
- RFC 7919, key shares extension
- keyUsage extension in certificate
- experimental "eTLS" detection
- parallel mass testing!
- RFC <--> OpenSSL cipher name space switches for the command line
- better error msg suppression (not fully installed openssl)
- GREASE support
- Bleichenbacher / ROBOT vulnerability test
- several protocol preferences improvements
- support
- CT support
- RFC 8879, certificate compression
- Lots of fixes and improvements
Further credits (in alphabetical order)
- Bugfix
Christoph Badura
- NetBSD fixes
Jim Blankendaal
- maximum certificate lifespan of 398 days
- ssl renegotiation amount variable
- custom http request headers
Frank Breedijk
- Detection of insecure redirects
- JSON and CSV output
- CA pinning
- Client simulations
- CI integration, some test cases for it
Steven Danneman
- Postgres and MySQL STARTTLS support
- MongoDB support
Christian Dresen
- Dockerfile
- some MacOSX and Java client handshake data
Mark Felder
- lots of cleanups
- Shellcheck static analysis
Laine Gholson
- avahi/mDNS support
- bugfixes
- former ARM binary support
Maciej Grela
- colorless handling
- initial support for skipping offensive vulnerability tests
Scott Johnson
- Bugfix F5
Hubert Kario
- helped with avoiding accidental TCP fragmentation
Magnus Larsen
- SSL Labs Rating
Jacco de Leeuw
- skip checks which might trigger an IDS ($OFFENSIVE / --ids-friendly)
- HTTP basic auth
Markus Manzke
- Fix for HSTS + subdomains
- LibreSSL patch
Jean Marsault
- client auth: ideas, code snipplets
Thomas Martens
- adding colorblind option
- no-rfc mapping
Peter Mosmans
- started way better cmd line parsing
- cleanups, fixes
- openssl sources support with the "missing" features
John Newbigin
- Proxy support (sockets and openssl)
Oleksandr Nosenko
- non-flat JSON support (--json-pretty)
- in file output (CSV, JSON flat, JSON non-flat) support of a minimum severity level
Jonathan Roach
Jonathon Rossi
- fix for bash3 (Darwin)
- and other Darwin fixes
Дилян Палаузов
- bug fix for 3des report
- reported a tricky STARTTLS bug
Thomas Patzke:
- Support of supplying timeout value for openssl connect
Olivier Paroz
- conversion xxd --> hexdump stuff
Jeroen Wiert Pluimers
- Darwin binaries support
Joao Poupino
- Minimize false positive detection for Renegotiation checks against Node.js etc.
- initial MX stuff
- fixes
Gonçalo Ribeiro
- --connect-timeout
Dmitri S
- inspiration & help for Darwin port
Jonas Schäfer
- XMPP server patch
Marcin Szychowski
- Quick'n'dirty client certificate support
Viktor Szépe
- color function maker
Julien Vehent
- supplied 1st Darwin binary
Thomas Ward
- add initial IDN support
- improved BEAST detection
- ARM binary support
@nvsofts (NV)
- LibreSSL patch for GOST
Probably more I forgot to mention which did give me feedback, bug reports and helped one way or another.
Last but not least:
OpenSSL team for providing openssl.
Ivan Ristic/Qualys for the liberal license which made it possible to make partly use of the client data
My family for supporting me doing this work