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title: "The legend of the French Foreign Legion"
date: 2017-04-13T09:34:00+06:00
draft: false
tags: ["legion","security","ffl","tgif"]
author: "9x0rg"
hidemeta: false
ShowReadingTime: true
ShowPostNavLinks: true
showtoc: false
image: "/images/french-foreign-legion-in-africa.jpg"
alt: "<Camaraderie, adventure, danger, why young men queue up to die in the French Foreign Legion"
caption: "Camaraderie, adventure, danger, the Legend of the French Foreign Legion"
> Camaraderie, adventure, danger, the desire to prove oneself all play their part too, as with any army. And, perhaps more than most regular armies, love affairs gone wrong propel many into the arms of the Legion.
> -- Robert Twigger in [The Legend of the French Foreign Legion](https://aeon.co/essays/why-young-men-queue-up-to-die-in-the-french-foreign-legion)